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AFRIFF Survey  
Thank you for participating in AFRIFF 13!
Tell us what you thought about it.
How satisfied were you with the event?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied
How relevant was it for you?
Not at allA little bitRelevantVery relevantExtremely relevant
What was the best part of the event?
How convenient were the time & place?
Not at allA little bitConvenientVery convenientExtremely convenient
Which venue did you prefer?
What was your favorite Masterclass
How would you consider AFRIFF registration system?
What areas do you think AFRIFF should improve on?
Would you consider coming to future events?

Thanks for completing this survey. In a week time, check your inbox, you should receive an exclusive link to AFRIFF BTS and special events pics. ​Don't forget to sign-up for our newsletter if you are not already. 

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